Ocean Journal of Virology

Ocean Journal of Virology

Ocean Journal of Virology(ISSN ) Ocean Journal of Virology is an open access International Journal

Ocean Journal of Virology

Ocean Journal of Virology is an open access International Journal

“Ocean Journal of Virology” is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on conventional fields of virology such as classification, structure, infection and treatment. The journal offers broad coverage to the researchers, clinicians, virologists, and medical specialists those who are interested in virology and related fields. Ocean Journal of Virology aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information in the form of original articles, Research papers, review articles, case reports, short communications, image articles, Editorials etc . The journal focuses on different types of viral-associated diseases, viral oncology ,normal viral diseases such as HIV, hepatitis virus, Antiviral drugs, viral genetics, Clinical Virology ,Computational Virology, Molecular Virology, Vaccine development, emerging diseases, infectious diseases, Immunology, Animal and plant viruses, Viral diseases and diagnosis, Laboratory medicine, etc. Indexing: Google Scholar, Crossref


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