Author Guidelines


The document needs to be prepared and submitted in English language. All the pages of the document needs to be numbered in a sequence, including figures, tabular columns, acknowledgements, references, etc. The manuscript document should be a single MS Word/pdf file. All figures and tables related to the manuscript need to be attached in the same word file. Submit your manuscript as an Email attachment to

Terms of Submission

Submission of a manuscript to the journal directly implies that all the authors have read and agreed to the journal’s guidelines. The content present in the manuscript after publication will be freely available to all the potential readers over the Internet for noncommercial use. The content provided by the authors in the manuscript should at no point of time breach the Copyrights or rights of third party. The manuscript submitted should not be submit or publish in any other journal.

Peer-Review Process

The journal follows double-blind peer-review process with in 2 weeks. This is done with the aim to minimize the possibility of a biased opinion when the reviewers know who the authors are and from where they come from, ensuring a responsible and ethical environment.

Article Types

  1. Research Articles

  2. Review Articles

  3. Case Reports

  4. Clinical Images

  5. Short Communications

  6. Special Issue Articles

  7. Editorials

  8. Commentary

Article Preparation

Research Articles: The submitted research article should contain no more than 5000–5500 words. There is no limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns.

Review Articles: The word count for a review article is 4500–5000 words, with no limitation on the number of pages, tables, and images being used.

Case Reports: The maximum word count for a case report is 1500–2000 words. Having no limit on the number of pages, figures, and references.

Clinical Images: While submitting clinical images, a maximum of 2 images needs to be used along with a word limit of 150-200 words.

Short Communication: Should specify the research study in focus and specify the author’s opinion using a maximum of 1200–1500 words.

Special Issue Articles: A special issue publication is a group 10–15 articles on a specific theme, and a special issue article should contain a maximum of 4500–5000 words, with no limit on the number of references, pages, and images being used.

Editorials: A maximum of 1000-1500 words, with no specification on the number of pages, references, and images used.

All the manuscripts that are submitted to Ocean Visionary Open Access journals need to be submitted in the following format

Cover letter



Materials and Methods

Results and Discussion




Cover Letter

Along with the manuscript, a mandatory cover letter needs to be submitted.

Declaration of any potential conflict of interest.

A consent confirming the approval by all the co-authors to submit the manuscript.

Confirmation that the content of the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Title and Authorship Information

The following information should be included

Title of the paper

Complete author names

Complete mailing address of the institution

Email addresses


Abstracts are limited to 250 words that describe Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusion (for research article) of the study. Author need to summarize their findings. Do not include any citations in the abstract. Authors can even include keywords in the abstract.


Authors can include maximum of five keywords, abbreviations should not be used in the keyword section.


This part should contain the tone of the paper by providing in detailed statement of the study, the relevant literature on the study subject and the proposed approach or solution. The introduction should be general enough to attract reader’s attention from a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Materials and Methods

This section should provide a complete overview of the design of the study. Detailed descriptions of materials or participants, comparisons, interventions and types of analysis should be mentioned.


In this section, the authors can bring out their key experimental results, including any statistical analysis and whether or not the results of their study are significant.

Discussion and Conclusion

This section should be separate or can be combined with results (results and discussion) or can be mixed with conclusion (discussion and conclusion). Detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the results; it should be included in the discussion section. Do not repeat the details given in the introduction.


Authors can include funding sources and personal acknowledgement in this section. Authors are encouraged to list all the funding sources used for preparation of manuscript. Please provide the grant number and authors associated with specific funding sources.


Preferred formats are JPEG, TIFF, PNG. This section includes Figures, their title and description. Figure legends should not be repeated in text. Figures should be numbered in order (as per cited in the text part).


Tables should not be embedded with the text, but it can be cited in the text part. Each table should contain title and description. There is no limit for tables submitted. Tables should provide new information instead of duplicating the same given in the text.

Supplementary Files

We do not limit the number of supplementary material items that author has to include in the manuscript. Supplementary materials should be named as S (Example Figure S1, Table S1, Video S1, etc..). Make sure that these supplementary items should be cited in the text.


Vancouver system of referencing. A unique Arabic number is assigned to every citation mentioned in the manuscript. The numbers are assigned in a sequential order. The same reference numbered has to be mentioned when the citation is repeated. The numbering can be shown in brackets or as superscript without brackets.

All the references that are being used are numbered in the order they are first mentioned. The reference numbers for tables and legends have to be used along with the parenthesis. In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.

Article Processing Charges

Articles published across the Ocean Visionary Open Access journals are freely available for potential readers to view and download. The article processing fee we charge is USD $1800-$3600 (depending on the type of article, availability of Funding Support, and the country's income status), as we are self-supporting journals that includes Article Processing Charges (APCs) for copy editing, hosting the journal online.

There is no charge for the authors if they wish to withdraw their manuscript from initial stages of processing. However, the author needs to pay a minimal amount as withdrawal charge if the article has been processed and accepted for publication. This amount will be utilized to compensate the costs incurred during the process and publication.

Once the article is accepted by the journal, the APC is due on the author. Authors will have sufficient time from the date of submission to acceptance for deciding whether to continue publication or withdraw the submission. So, fee once paid will not be refunded at any situation as the journal publishes articles under Open Access platform, fee paid by the authors will be spent towards the costs associated with the process and publication.

Copyrights Submission guidelines

Submission of a manuscript to the Ocean Visionary Open Access journal directly implies that all the authors have read and agreed to the journal’s guidelines. The content present in the manuscript after publication will be freely available to all the potential readers over the Internet for non commercial use.

The content provided by the authors in the manuscript should at no point of time breach the Copyrights or rights of third party. The manuscript submitted should not be published or submitted for consideration in any other journal.

Disclosure Policy

Disclosure statements of all the co-authors need to be sent at the time of submission. Manuscripts submitted without the disclosure statement will be considered incomplete and may not be considered to be reviewed.

Manuscripts with plagiarized content will not be considered for peer-review process.