International Case Reports Journal (ISSN: 2770-9647) | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access

Schwannoma of Dorsal Nerve of Penis: A Rare Case Report

Mohsin Quadri*

*Correspondence to: Mohsin Quadri 

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Penile schwannoma is a rare, encapsulated tumor of the nerve sheath with less than 30 cases reported in literature till date. Here is one such rare case of a painless slowly progressing tumor on the left dorsal side of the penis in a 19-year-old male. The nodule was detected in MRI as well defined T1 hypointense and T2 STIR mixed signal intensity lesion measuring 2cm × 1.4cm in the deep fascia of dorsal nerve of penis. Complete resection of the mass is the management which prevents future recurrence. Histopathology findings of palisading nuclei of cellular Antoni A and between them was less of Antoni B area with numerous foam cells confirm the findings of Schwannomas.


Penile schwannoma; Painless swelling; Dorsal nerve of penis; MRI; Encapsulated tumor of thenerve sheath; Palisiding nuclei of cellular Antoni A; Numerous foam cells.


Mohsin Q (2021) Schwannoma of Dorsal Nerve of Penis: A Rare Case Report. Int Case Rep Jour 1(1): 1-4.