International Case Reports Journal (ISSN: 2770-9647) | Volume 1, Issue 3 | Review Article | Open Access

Family Planning Services Other than Contraception: Exploring the Components of Family Planning, Cameroon, Africa

Mary Bi SuhAtanga*

Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bamenda, Cameroon

*Correspondence to: Mary Bi SuhAtanga 

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Despite the enormous benefits of family planning services, the uptake of the service still remains low in SubSaharan Africa. This has resulted into high rates of unwanted pregnancies, unplanned deliveries, unsafe abortions and maternal mortalities in Sub-Saharan Africa of which Cameroon is no exception. Family planning is one of the ways through which maternal deaths can be reduced. The interval between pregnancies can be prolonged by providing family planning services for postpartum women and this can help protect their health and that of theirnewborns. Strengthening family planning services is crucial to improving health, human rights, economic development, and slowing population growth. The objective of this review is to expose the available family planning services which should be offered by healthcare providers in order to improve its uptake by the clients.

Research indicates that family planning, including planning, delaying and spacing pregnancies, is linked to improved birth outcomes for babies, either directly or through healthy maternal behaviors during pregnancy. The provision of all the components of family planning services and with greater awareness campaign will improve uptake and therefore solve problems such as mortality/morbidity, unwanted pregnancy/complications and sexually transmitted infections can be prevented.


Family Planning as opposed to contraception; Components; Uses


Mary Bi SuhAtanga (2021) Family Planning Services Other than Contraception: Exploring the Components of Family Planning, Cameroon, Africa. Int Case Rep Jour 1(3):1-7.