Ocean Journal of Engineering Studies and Research | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Editorial Article | Open Access
Manu Mitra*
Alumnus with Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, 126 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CT -06604, USA
*Correspondence to: Manu Mitra
Fulltext PDFMedical Robots are machines that are operated in medical sciences. There are few classifications for medical robotics such as assistive robots, robots imitating human. Comparatively, medical robots offer wide range of advantages, for example they are flexible and can be programmed to perform multiple tasks, they are more adaptable and cost effective. Further, they eliminate human fatigue. A fully autonomous robot acquires and processes information and performs specific physical action. Few medical robots are reviewed.
Medical; Medical Robots; Applications; Autonomous
Manu Mitra. Medical Robots and its applications. Oce J Eng Stud Res. 2021;1(1):1-5.